pigeon toes and chummy squirrels

the lady's guide to adventure

today was for wandering.

i checked the weather forecast before leaving my london flat, decided against an umbrella, and set out with my laptop, a pocketful of mixed nuts, plastic baggies, and my keepcup in tow.

keepcup, glass keepcup, keeping things out of the landfill, most coffee cups are not recyclable, cork, limited edition cork, barista quality, coffee every day, i love coffee, saving the planet { i love my keepcup. it’s the snazzy one in this picture, and it feels so much better to get my coffee in this as opposed to a paper cup that i will throw away just minutes, if not seconds later. }

alas, today was also a day for rain. as soon as i popped above ground in st. james park, sporadic raindrops began to slowly penetrate every square inch of my previously dry head. they were chilly, and methodical in their gradual saturation. i don’t remember a single moment of today when i was outdoors and not being rained on, but for one reason or another, it felt nice. i wasn’t glad for the rain…

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